all postcodes in YO32 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO32 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO32 3DD 0 54.012815 -1.076388
YO32 3DG 0 54.012532 -1.075753
YO32 3DH 0 54.01304 -1.075269
YO32 3DJ 1 54.01552 -1.072864
YO32 3DL 0 54.015529 -1.073993
YO32 3DN 0 54.015559 -1.074374
YO32 3DP 0 54.014863 -1.07387
YO32 3DQ 0 54.012519 -1.07525
YO32 3DR 0 54.015011 -1.074432
YO32 3DS 0 54.012742 -1.073963
YO32 3DT 0 54.013003 -1.075056
YO32 3DU 0 54.015168 -1.074962
YO32 3DW 0 54.014679 -1.073355
YO32 3DX 1 54.015788 -1.071408
YO32 3DY 1 54.015315 -1.071831
YO32 3DZ 0 54.015722 -1.072279
YO32 3EA 0 54.015247 -1.072351
YO32 3EB 0 54.014432 -1.072812
YO32 3ED 0 54.01297 -1.073134
YO32 3EE 0 54.012631 -1.072379